Crewe & District Writers' Circle Aims & Objectives
1. Title
The group will be called The Crewe and District Writers’ Circle and, hereafter will
be referred to as "the group".

2. Objectives
The group aims to provide a practical support network for aspiring local writers in the
following ways:

2.1 : provide a regular meeting place where members can support each other in the process of developing their writing.

2.2: provide regular meetings – on the second Tuesday of each month – when members can give and receive honest feedback on each other’s work.

2.3: provide members with information and advice on getting their work
published and also disseminate information relevant to creative writers
eg: literature events, small press publications, competitions and courses.

2.4: provide members with information (if required) on techniques and ways in which they
might improve their writing ability in order to develop their work.

2.5: provide members with the opportunity to participate in activities such as
public readings, seminars and submissions to any group magazines and

2.6: welcome all forms of writing, including fiction, poetry, memoirs, biography and nonfiction etc.

3. Membership

3.1 There is no age restriction.

3.2 Fees are £1.00 per session to cover refreshments, payable at the session. There is an annual fee of £5 payable at the April AGM
3.3 The group Secretary will keep a data base of members’ contact details and will send them the minutes of each meeting, by e-mail or post, as preferred.

3.4 Members will be expected to respect all considerations of equal opportunities
at all times. No one will receive less favourable treatment within the group on the
grounds of sex, colour, race, nationality, ethnic or racial origins, disability, marital
status, trade union activity, age, political or religious beliefs.

4. Meeting Structure
4.1 Monthly meetings will begin at 7.30pm on the second Tuesday of each month.

4.2 The minutes of the previous meeting will be read by the Chairperson and agreed.

4.3 Apologies will be accepted and noted by the Secretary.

4.4 Matters arising will be dealt with and recorded by the Secretary.

4.5 The meeting will consider relevant local events and matters or arrangements and these will be recorded by the Secretary.

4.6 Members present will be invited to read a piece of their own writing or an item of named writing by another writer. Comments will be invited and any relevant discussion encouraged and respected.

4.7 Monthly fees will be collected and refreshments served.

4.8 The meetings will not have a designated closing time. Members will be free to leave at their own discretion or according to personal circumstance.

5. Officers
The Committee comprises of:-

Chairperson - Chairs the committee meetings, represents the group externally
and manages the other members of the committee.

Secretary – Handles correspondence and minutes, publicity leaflets etc.

Treasurer - Manages the group’s finances and manage the new Community Account

6. Election of Committee

6.1 All Committee members shall be elected from and by, the members of the

6.2 All Committee members are elected for an indefinite period, until such time as another member wishes to take over the post or the Committee Member chooses to resign.

6.3 The vacant post will be re elected at the next meeting by members present.

7. Committee
The duties of the Committee shall be:

7.1 To control and record the affairs of the group on behalf of the Members

7.2 To keep accurate accounts of the finances of the group through the

7.3 The group shall maintain a bank current account with a minimum of two signatures required.

8. General Meetings

8.1 The Annual General Meeting of the group shall be held not later than the end
of May each year.

8.2: The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be to:
• Confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
• Receive the accounts for the year from the Treasurer.
• Receive an annual report from the Chairperson and the Secretary.
• Review group fees and agree them for the forthcoming year.
• Respond to other matters